2nd World Congress of GI Endoscopy
Executive Committee
Steering Committee

Everson Luiz de Almeida Artifon
Professor Livre-docente do Departamento de Cirurgia da FMUSP Docente e Orientador Permanente do Programa de P�s-gradua��o em Cl�nica -Cir�rgica da FMUSP MBA em Gest�o Hospitalar e Sistemas de Sa�de pela EAESP-FGV Vice-Presidente da SIED Gest�o 2016-2018×

Nageshwar D. Reddy
CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. D Nageshwar Reddy MD, DM, D.Sc, FAMS, FRCP, FASGE, FACG, MWGO, AGAF Dr D Nageshwar Reddy is currently the Chairman of Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, Hyderabad, India. Past President of World Endoscopy Organization. He graduated from Kurnool Medical College obtaining internal medicine, Masters in Madras Medical College and D.M in Gastroenterology from PGIMER, Chandigarh. He subsequently worked as a Professor of Gastroenterology in Andhra Pradesh Health Sciences before setting up Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, a tertiary care Gastro intestinal Specialties Hospital. His main area of research interest has been in G.I. Endoscopy particularly in Therapeutic Pancreatio Biliary Endoscopy and Innovations in Transgastric Endoscopic Surgery. He has published over 560 papers in National & International Peer review journals and has contributed chapters in 10 International Text Books of Gastroenterology and has edited 3 G.I. Endoscopy Text Books. He is on the Editorial Board of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Digestive Endoscopy, World Journal of Gastroenterology, World Gastroenterology News, Gastroenterology Today, Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, and He is the peer reviewer of the Journals like Lancet, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Endoscopy, World Journal of Gastroenterology, Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology and Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. He was the President of Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India in 2001. He has been a visiting faculty for over 200 international endoscopy workshops and forum member of Asian Endoscopy Masters Forum. He has been recognized for his achievements by several societies. He received the B C Roy Award from the Indian Medical Council in 1995. He received PADMA SHRI AWARD from Government of India in 2002. He has been elected as honorary member for American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in 2004, Fellow of National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi in 2001, Fellow of Philippines Society of Gastroenterology in 2001, Fellow of Royal College of Physicians of Ireland in 2003, and is a recipient of Honorary Doctor in Sciences (D.S.C) from Nagarjuna University in 2005. He has given several named orations including The Francisco Roman oration of Philippines Society of Gastroenterology 2002, Dr Panner Selvam Memorial Oration of Malaysian Society of Gastroenterology in 2006, Kees Huibregtse Oration of 15th International Symposium on Pancreatio Biliary Endoscopy, Los Angeles 2007, Sir Francis Avery Jones Professorship in St. Marks, London 2008, Peter Gilispje oration, Australia 2010. He received the Master Endoscopist Award from A.S.G.E in 2009, ASGE International Leadership Award in 2011 and Fellow of American College of Gastroenterology in 2012. He received the highest Award Master of World Gastroenterology Organization from World Gastroenterology Organization in 2014. In 2015 he received honorary fellowship and life time memberships from Hong Kong society of Gastroenterology, Singapore Society of Gastroenterology, Indonesia Society of Gastroenterology, Columbia Society of Gastroenterology and Hungarian Society of Gastroenterology. He was the Secretary General of World Endoscopy Organization and subsequent President of World Endoscopy Organization. He received PADMA BHUSHAN AWARD from Government of India in 2016.×
Scientific Committee
Cecilio Cerisoli
Philip Chiu
Ian Gralnek
Tibor Gy�keres
Tibor Gy�keres
He is an international expert in the field of therapeutic endoscopy, especially pancreatobiliary interventions who is working in Budapest, Hungary. He currently serves as a Chairman of Standards of Practice and Publications Committee, World Endoscopy Organisation from 2017. Between 2012-2016 he was a Councillor and Governing Board Member of European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Now, he is a General Secretary of Hungarian Gastroenterology Society. He is an invited lecturer, faculty member and live demonstrator on several international gastroenterology congresses, endoscopy workshops.×

Tibor Gy�keres
He is an international expert in the field of therapeutic endoscopy, especially pancreatobiliary interventions who is working in Budapest, Hungary. He currently serves as a Chairman of Standards of Practice and Publications Committee, World Endoscopy Organisation from 2017. Between 2012-2016 he was a Councillor and Governing Board Member of European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Now, he is a General Secretary of Hungarian Gastroenterology Society. He is an invited lecturer, faculty member and live demonstrator on several international gastroenterology congresses, endoscopy workshops.×
Cesare Hassan
Enqiang Linghu
Glaciomar Machado

Glaciomar Machado
Glaciomar Machado Full Professor of Gastroenterology, Rio de Janeiro Federal University, UFRJ Ph.D., University of Bristol, UK Fellow, Brazilian Academy of Medicine Past-President, WEO (1998-2002) Honorary President, WEO (2005 ~ )×

Glaciomar Machado
Glaciomar Machado Full Professor of Gastroenterology, Rio de Janeiro Federal University, UFRJ Ph.D., University of Bristol, UK Fellow, Brazilian Academy of Medicine Past-President, WEO (1998-2002) Honorary President, WEO (2005 ~ )×
Belen Mendoza de Molano
Ibrahim Mostafa
Helmut Neumann
Julio Pereira Lima
Linda Rabeneck
Krish Ragunath
Ji Kon Ryu
Paulo Sakai
Prateek Sharma

Prateek Sharma
PRATEEK SHARMA, MD, FACP, FACG Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of Kansas School of Medicine Kansas City, USA Certifications � Diplomate of American Board of Gastroenterology � ECFMG certified � FLEX certified � License to practice medicine - Kansas � License to practice medicine - Missouri Academic Appointments & Clinical Experience: Professor of Medicine: Gastroenterology & Hepatology University of Kansas School of Medicine VA Medical Center, Kansas City, MO May 2007-present Program Fellowship Director: Gastroenterology & Hepatology University of Kansas School of Medicine May 2002-present Section Chief: Gastroenterology & Hepatology VA Medical Center Kansas City October 2004-present Associate Professor of Medicine: Gastroenterology & Hepatology University of Kansas School of Medicine VA Medical Center, Kansas City, MO May 2002-April 2007 Assistant Profesor of Medicine: Gastroenterology & Hepatology University of Kansas School of Medicine VA Medical Center, Kansas City, MO October 1998-April 2002 Fellowship Gastroenterology: University of Arizona, Tucson AZ July 1995-June 1998 University of Kansas, Kansas City, KS July 1998-September 1998 Residency Internal Medicine: Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI July 1993-June 1995 Internship: Internal Medicine Christ Hospital & Medical Center, Oak Lawn, IL July 1992-June 1993 Education Graduate Education: MB, BS Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery MS University of Baroda, India (1986-1991) Graduated as the Valedictorian×

Prateek Sharma
PRATEEK SHARMA, MD, FACP, FACG Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of Kansas School of Medicine Kansas City, USA Certifications � Diplomate of American Board of Gastroenterology � ECFMG certified � FLEX certified � License to practice medicine - Kansas � License to practice medicine - Missouri Academic Appointments & Clinical Experience: Professor of Medicine: Gastroenterology & Hepatology University of Kansas School of Medicine VA Medical Center, Kansas City, MO May 2007-present Program Fellowship Director: Gastroenterology & Hepatology University of Kansas School of Medicine May 2002-present Section Chief: Gastroenterology & Hepatology VA Medical Center Kansas City October 2004-present Associate Professor of Medicine: Gastroenterology & Hepatology University of Kansas School of Medicine VA Medical Center, Kansas City, MO May 2002-April 2007 Assistant Profesor of Medicine: Gastroenterology & Hepatology University of Kansas School of Medicine VA Medical Center, Kansas City, MO October 1998-April 2002 Fellowship Gastroenterology: University of Arizona, Tucson AZ July 1995-June 1998 University of Kansas, Kansas City, KS July 1998-September 1998 Residency Internal Medicine: Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI July 1993-June 1995 Internship: Internal Medicine Christ Hospital & Medical Center, Oak Lawn, IL July 1992-June 1993 Education Graduate Education: MB, BS Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery MS University of Baroda, India (1986-1991) Graduated as the Valedictorian×
Siyu Sun
Naohisa Yahagi
Hironori Yamamoto
Hironori Yamamoto
Hironori Yamamoto is the Chairman and Professor of the Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology at Jichi Medical University, Tochigi, Japan. He also serves as the Director of the Gastroenterology Center and the Endoscopy Center of Jichi Medical University Hospital. He is a deputy editor in chief of Digestive Endoscopy, the official Journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. He is the inventor of double-balloon endoscopy and also the pioneer of ESD using sodium hyaluronate.×

Hironori Yamamoto
Hironori Yamamoto is the Chairman and Professor of the Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology at Jichi Medical University, Tochigi, Japan. He also serves as the Director of the Gastroenterology Center and the Endoscopy Center of Jichi Medical University Hospital. He is a deputy editor in chief of Digestive Endoscopy, the official Journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. He is the inventor of double-balloon endoscopy and also the pioneer of ESD using sodium hyaluronate.×
Local Organizing Committee
Ricardo Dib
Asadur Tchekmedyian
Gustavo Andrade de Paulo

Gustavo Andrade de Paulo
Mestre em Gastroenterologia pela Universidade de Londres Doutor e P�s-Doutor em Gastroenterologia pela UNIFESP-EPM Gestor M�dico do Setor de Endoscopia do Hospital Albert Einstein×

Gustavo Andrade de Paulo
Mestre em Gastroenterologia pela Universidade de Londres Doutor e P�s-Doutor em Gastroenterologia pela UNIFESP-EPM Gestor M�dico do Setor de Endoscopia do Hospital Albert Einstein×
Marco Aur�lio D�assun��o
Vitor Nunes Arantes

Vitor Nunes Arantes
Professor Adjunto da Faculdade de Medicina da UFMG Coordenador do Setor de Endoscopia do Instituto Alfa de Gastroenterologia e do Hospital Mater Dei Contorno Presidente da SOBED-MG×

Vitor Nunes Arantes
Professor Adjunto da Faculdade de Medicina da UFMG Coordenador do Setor de Endoscopia do Instituto Alfa de Gastroenterologia e do Hospital Mater Dei Contorno Presidente da SOBED-MG×
Carlos Baubet
Guillo Burbano
Ra�l Antonio Ca�adas Garrido
Carlos Castillo Flamain
Alfonso Celso da Silva Paredes
Alfonso Celso da Silva Paredes
Gastroenterologista formado pelo Hospital Universit�rio Pedro Ernesto UERJ. Especializado em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo, Endoscopia Digestiva, Endoscopia, Gastroenterologia.×

Alfonso Celso da Silva Paredes
Gastroenterologista formado pelo Hospital Universit�rio Pedro Ernesto UERJ. Especializado em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo, Endoscopia Digestiva, Endoscopia, Gastroenterologia.×
Djalma Ernesto Coelho Neto
Djalma Ernesto Coelho Neto
Mestre e Doutor em cirurgia UFRJ Prof. Adjunto de Cirurgia - UNESA Fellow in Therapeutics Endoscopy and Surgery Univerity of Louisville - USA×

Djalma Ernesto Coelho Neto
Mestre e Doutor em cirurgia UFRJ Prof. Adjunto de Cirurgia - UNESA Fellow in Therapeutics Endoscopy and Surgery Univerity of Louisville - USA×
Pablo Cort�s
Jorge Orillac P�rez
Jorge Orillac P�rez
Chief of the Endoscopy Unit at Clinica Hospital San Fernando, Panama. Regional Vice President for Central America and the Caribbean and past President of the International Society for Digestive Endoscopy (SIED). Assistant Professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Panama.×

Jorge Orillac P�rez
Chief of the Endoscopy Unit at Clinica Hospital San Fernando, Panama. Regional Vice President for Central America and the Caribbean and past President of the International Society for Digestive Endoscopy (SIED). Assistant Professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Panama.×
�ngel Andr�s Reyes Dorantes
David Zagalsky

David Zagalsky
David H. Zagalsky Consultor y Entrenador en Endoscopia Biliar del Hospital Nacional A Posadas. Presidente del Congreso Argentino de Endoscopia Digestiva 2004. Presidente de Endoscopistas Digestivos de Bs As 1996. Presidente de la Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterologia 2006. Faculty en Train The Trainers Chile 2009 y Per� 2010 Participante en TTT Leadership and Management Porto 2013. Director del M�dulo Bilio Pancre�tico de la Carrera de Especialista SAGE/UBA. Chair del Comit� de Educaci�n de la SIED (Soc Interamericana de Endoscopia Dig.)×

David Zagalsky
David H. Zagalsky Consultor y Entrenador en Endoscopia Biliar del Hospital Nacional A Posadas. Presidente del Congreso Argentino de Endoscopia Digestiva 2004. Presidente de Endoscopistas Digestivos de Bs As 1996. Presidente de la Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterologia 2006. Faculty en Train The Trainers Chile 2009 y Per� 2010 Participante en TTT Leadership and Management Porto 2013. Director del M�dulo Bilio Pancre�tico de la Carrera de Especialista SAGE/UBA. Chair del Comit� de Educaci�n de la SIED (Soc Interamericana de Endoscopia Dig.)×
Ana Maria Zuccaro

Ana Maria Zuccaro
Master of Medicine Head of Endoscopy Unit - Hospital Federal de ipanema � Rio de Janeiro � Brazil Chair of the Ethics Committee of Brazilian Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - SOBED ×

Ana Maria Zuccaro
Master of Medicine Head of Endoscopy Unit - Hospital Federal de ipanema � Rio de Janeiro � Brazil Chair of the Ethics Committee of Brazilian Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - SOBED ×
Carlos Eduardo Oliveira dos Santos
Carlos Eduardo Oliveira dos Santos
Scientific Director of Inter-American Society of Digestive Endoscopy; Master by the Faculdade Evangelica do Paran�; Preceptor of the Endoscopy Unit, PUCRS, Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil; Chief of the Endoscopy Unit, Santa Casa de Caridade, Bag�/RS, Brazil ×

Carlos Eduardo Oliveira dos Santos
Scientific Director of Inter-American Society of Digestive Endoscopy; Master by the Faculdade Evangelica do Paran�; Preceptor of the Endoscopy Unit, PUCRS, Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil; Chief of the Endoscopy Unit, Santa Casa de Caridade, Bag�/RS, Brazil ×
Eduardo Guimar�es Horneaux de Moura
Maria Aparecida Ferreira
Simone Guaraldi da Silva
Simone Guaraldi da Silva
M�dica-pesquisadora, MD, MSc, PhD Membro da SOBED Se��o de Endoscopia do Hospital do Cancer 1 (INCA) Programa de Carcinog�nese Molecular Research Physician, MD, MSc, PhD SOBED� member Endoscopy Unit - Hospital do Cancer 1 (INCA) Molecular Carcinogenesis Program×

Simone Guaraldi da Silva
M�dica-pesquisadora, MD, MSc, PhD Membro da SOBED Se��o de Endoscopia do Hospital do Cancer 1 (INCA) Programa de Carcinog�nese Molecular Research Physician, MD, MSc, PhD SOBED� member Endoscopy Unit - Hospital do Cancer 1 (INCA) Molecular Carcinogenesis Program×
Regional Counselors
Lars Aabakken
Douglas Faigel North - America
Douglas Faigel
Dr. Douglas Faigel is the Co-director of the World Endoscopy Organization Program for Endoscopic Teachers. He is Professor of Medicine and Chairman of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Mayo Clinic Arizona. He served as President of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy from 2015 to 2016. He was educated at Harvard University and received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania before completing training in Internal Medicine at the University of California San Francisco and Fellowships in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Advanced Endoscopy at the University of Pennsylvania. He was previously Professor of Medicine and Director of Endoscopy at Oregon Health and Science University before joining the Mayo Clinic in 2010.×

Douglas Faigel
Dr. Douglas Faigel is the Co-director of the World Endoscopy Organization Program for Endoscopic Teachers. He is Professor of Medicine and Chairman of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Mayo Clinic Arizona. He served as President of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy from 2015 to 2016. He was educated at Harvard University and received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania before completing training in Internal Medicine at the University of California San Francisco and Fellowships in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Advanced Endoscopy at the University of Pennsylvania. He was previously Professor of Medicine and Director of Endoscopy at Oregon Health and Science University before joining the Mayo Clinic in 2010.×
Evgeny D. Fedorov Russia & CIS
Evgeny D. Fedorov
Doctor Evgeny D. Fedorov is Professor of the Department of Abdominal Surgery, Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy at the N.I.Pirogov�s Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU) and Clinical Head of the Department of Endoscopy & Endoscopic Surgery at Moscow University Hospital No. 31. He is the advisor to the Scientific and Practical Council of the Ministry of Health of Russia; the current Vice-President of the Russian Endoscopy Society and a member of several international committees and scientific societies. Prof. Fedorov received his medical degree from the Pirogov�s State Medical Institute in 1981. He completed his surgical and endoscopy residencies at Moscow University Hospital No. 31 and received diplomas in surgery and digestive endoscopy (specialist distinction) from the Russian medical board. In 2007, Prof. Fedorov organized and took the lead on the Elective Endoscopy Course and the Endoscopy Training Center. His professional achievements include: receiving the distinction of RNRMU four times for the best scientific research, becoming a Laureate of Moscow�s Mayor Prize for Series of Scientific Works; being conferred the rank of �excellent worker of public health� from the Russian Government; receiving the WEO Gold commemorative medal ENDO-2017 and Nominal gold medal No. 24 of the Russian Endoscopic Society "For outstanding contribution to the development of endoscopy in Russia". Prof. Fedorov has published more than 180 scientific articles and several books in the area of endoscopy and is a consultant and reviewer for several surgical, gastroenterology and endoscopy journals. Prof. Fedorov�s principal research interests include enteroscopy and colonoscopy clinical intervention trials; evaluation of artificial intelligence in diagnostic endoscopy; development of new interventional endoscopic methods (ESD; POEM; STER); and clinical utility of therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).×

Evgeny D. Fedorov
Doctor Evgeny D. Fedorov is Professor of the Department of Abdominal Surgery, Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy at the N.I.Pirogov�s Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU) and Clinical Head of the Department of Endoscopy & Endoscopic Surgery at Moscow University Hospital No. 31. He is the advisor to the Scientific and Practical Council of the Ministry of Health of Russia; the current Vice-President of the Russian Endoscopy Society and a member of several international committees and scientific societies. Prof. Fedorov received his medical degree from the Pirogov�s State Medical Institute in 1981. He completed his surgical and endoscopy residencies at Moscow University Hospital No. 31 and received diplomas in surgery and digestive endoscopy (specialist distinction) from the Russian medical board. In 2007, Prof. Fedorov organized and took the lead on the Elective Endoscopy Course and the Endoscopy Training Center. His professional achievements include: receiving the distinction of RNRMU four times for the best scientific research, becoming a Laureate of Moscow�s Mayor Prize for Series of Scientific Works; being conferred the rank of �excellent worker of public health� from the Russian Government; receiving the WEO Gold commemorative medal ENDO-2017 and Nominal gold medal No. 24 of the Russian Endoscopic Society "For outstanding contribution to the development of endoscopy in Russia". Prof. Fedorov has published more than 180 scientific articles and several books in the area of endoscopy and is a consultant and reviewer for several surgical, gastroenterology and endoscopy journals. Prof. Fedorov�s principal research interests include enteroscopy and colonoscopy clinical intervention trials; evaluation of artificial intelligence in diagnostic endoscopy; development of new interventional endoscopic methods (ESD; POEM; STER); and clinical utility of therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).×
Azzam Kayasseh
Middle-East & Africa
Seigo Kitano
Asia Pacific
Qiu Zhao
24th Pan American Congress of Digestive Endoscopy
Executive Committee - Pan American Congress
Asadur Tchekmedyian
Steering Committee - Pan American Congress
Fernando Flux�
Jorge Orillac P�rez
Jorge Orillac P�rez
Chief of the Endoscopy Unit at Clinica Hospital San Fernando, Panama. Regional Vice President for Central America and the Caribbean and past President of the International Society for Digestive Endoscopy (SIED). Assistant Professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Panama.×

Jorge Orillac P�rez
Chief of the Endoscopy Unit at Clinica Hospital San Fernando, Panama. Regional Vice President for Central America and the Caribbean and past President of the International Society for Digestive Endoscopy (SIED). Assistant Professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Panama.×
Scientific Committee - Pan American Congress
Carlos Eduardo Oliveira dos Santos Chair
Carlos Eduardo Oliveira dos Santos
Scientific Director of Inter-American Society of Digestive Endoscopy; Master by the Faculdade Evangelica do Paran�; Preceptor of the Endoscopy Unit, PUCRS, Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil; Chief of the Endoscopy Unit, Santa Casa de Caridade, Bag�/RS, Brazil ×

Carlos Eduardo Oliveira dos Santos
Scientific Director of Inter-American Society of Digestive Endoscopy; Master by the Faculdade Evangelica do Paran�; Preceptor of the Endoscopy Unit, PUCRS, Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil; Chief of the Endoscopy Unit, Santa Casa de Caridade, Bag�/RS, Brazil ×
Juan Miguel Abdo Francis
Enrique Paredes Cruz
David Zagalsky

David Zagalsky
David H. Zagalsky Consultor y Entrenador en Endoscopia Biliar del Hospital Nacional A Posadas. Presidente del Congreso Argentino de Endoscopia Digestiva 2004. Presidente de Endoscopistas Digestivos de Bs As 1996. Presidente de la Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterologia 2006. Faculty en Train The Trainers Chile 2009 y Per� 2010 Participante en TTT Leadership and Management Porto 2013. Director del M�dulo Bilio Pancre�tico de la Carrera de Especialista SAGE/UBA. Chair del Comit� de Educaci�n de la SIED (Soc Interamericana de Endoscopia Dig.)×

David Zagalsky
David H. Zagalsky Consultor y Entrenador en Endoscopia Biliar del Hospital Nacional A Posadas. Presidente del Congreso Argentino de Endoscopia Digestiva 2004. Presidente de Endoscopistas Digestivos de Bs As 1996. Presidente de la Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterologia 2006. Faculty en Train The Trainers Chile 2009 y Per� 2010 Participante en TTT Leadership and Management Porto 2013. Director del M�dulo Bilio Pancre�tico de la Carrera de Especialista SAGE/UBA. Chair del Comit� de Educaci�n de la SIED (Soc Interamericana de Endoscopia Dig.)×
Carlos Baubet
Roque S�enz
Scientific Pediatric Endoscopy Committee



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