Abstract submission is NOW closed! Video abstract submission is open until 1 November 2019
Important Dates
Event | Date |
ENDO 2020 |
March 7 – 10, 2020 |
Abstract / video submission opens |
March 4, 2019 |
Abstract submission closes |
October 1, 2019 |
Video + Abstract submission closes |
November 1, 2019 |
Abstract Categories
- Clinical Endoscopic Practice
- Advanced/experimental mucosal imaging
- Advanced Procedures
- Esophagus
- Stomach and Small Intestine
- Colorectum
- Pancreatobiliary
- ERCP: Biliary
- ERCP: Pancreas
- Endoscopic Ultrasound
- Artificial Intelligence
- Pediatric Endoscopy
Each category is divided into a number of subcategories. Abstract/video authors are asked to choose subcategories from the main categories during the submission process.
Download here the complete abstract category list
General Information
ENDO 2020 encourages work that contains basic, clinical or translational research findings. Please read the following guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract/video:
Abstracts and videos may be submitted online via the ENDO 2020 Abstract Submission System
- Submissions by fax, post or email will not be considered.
- All abstracts must be written in English.
- It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact in the abstract text will be reproduced as typed by the author.
- Abstracts will not be considered for presentation if they have been published as an article or have been accepted for publication (including manuscripts) in printed or electronic formats upon the submission deadline.
The ENDO 2020 abstract and video submission was extended and will closes at 23:59 BRT on:
Abstract Submission Deadline (Extended): 1 October 2019
Video Abstract Submission Deadline (Extended): 1 November 2019.
No further edits to abstracts, author additions or changes to author information will be possible after this date.
- The World Endoscopy Organization (WEO), the Japanese Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society (JGES), the Asia Pacific Society of Digestive Endoscopy (A-PSDE) and the Interamerican Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SIED) offer grants for authors of accepted abstracts by the ENDO 2020 reviewing committee. Please note that the personal data collected for grant winners will be shared with the above mentioned partnering societies. Scroll down for more details about the ENDO 2020 grants and their requirements.
- For technical questions regarding the abstract submission system, please contact the abstract support team at [email protected]
- Questions regarding the content of the abstract should be addressed to [email protected]
Abstract / Video Submission Process
Personal Account
Before submitting an abstract, authors must create a personal account in the ENDO 2020 Abstract Submission System
More than one abstract can be submitted from one account. After an abstract has been created, modifications can be made until the submission deadline informed above.
Choose an Abstract Category
The abstract category is the general heading under which the abstract will be reviewed and later published, if accepted. The abstract category which best describes the subject of the abstract should be chosen. During the submission process, submitter will be asked to select one subcategory from one main category.
Abstract Structure
Abstracts submitted should contain concise statements of:
- Aims: indicate the purpose and objective of the research, the hypothesis that was tested or a description of the problem being analyzed or evaluated.
- Methods: describe the study period / setting / location, study design, data collection and methods of analysis used.
- Results: present as clearly and in as much detail as possible the findings / outcome of the study. Please summarize any specific results.
- Conclusions: explain the significance of your findings / outcomes and future implications of the results.
Word Limits
The abstract text body is limited to 300 words including the title. Titles are limited to 25 words.
One table can be included, with maximum 7 rows and 10 columns.
- The length of the video should be maximum five minutes. The file size should be maximum 200 MB.
- Videos submitted online should not include author and institution information. Any patient identifying information must be excluded or obscured from video films and narration.
Submission Confirmation
After submission, a confirmation email will be sent to the submitter. In order to receive confirmation, please ensure that emails from [email protected] are not marked as spam by your e-mail provider.
Policies for Abstract / Video Submission
Copyright Policy
Abstracts should not include libelous or defamatory content. Material presented in abstracts should not violate any copyright laws. If figures/graphics/images have been taken from sources not copyrighted by the author, it is the author’s sole responsibility to secure the rights from the copyright holder in writing to reproduce those figures/graphics/images for both worldwide print and web publication. All reproduction costs charged by the copyright holder must be borne by the author.
Resubmission Policy
An abstract which has been previously published or presented at a national, regional or international meeting can be submitted provided that there are new methods, findings, updated information or other valid reasons for submitting.
If preliminary or partial data have been published or presented previously, the submitting author will be required to provide details of the publication or presentation. This information will be considered by ENDO 2020 Scientific Committee when making final decisions.
If the author neglects to provide these required details and justification, or if evidence of previous publication or presentation is found, the abstract will be rejected.
The conference organizers regard plagiarism as serious professional misconduct. If plagiarism is identified, the abstract and any other abstracts submitted by the same author are rejected.
Review and Selection Process
All submitted abstracts will go through a blind peer-review process carried out by an international reviewing committee. The ENDO 2020 scientific committee uses abstract scores and rankings to develop the final congress program and select abstracts for oral or poster presentation at ENDO 2020.
Abstract / Video Presentation
A small number of highest-scoring abstracts are selected for presentation in oral presentation sessions; the majority of the abstracts will be displayed in the e-Poster Exhibition.
Submitted videos will be selected either for presentation during the Video Marathon session, oral presentation sessions, or as ePosters.
Submitters who do not wish to be considered for oral presentation have the option of requesting that their abstract be considered only for ePoster presentation.
Notification of Acceptance or Rejection to Corresponding Author
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting (corresponding) author. Please note that only the corresponding author will receive an email concerning the status and is responsible for informing all co-authors. Authors whose abstracts have been accepted will receive instructions for the presentation of their abstract/video.
If an author is invited to present and does not confirm their participation, the abstract/video may be withdrawn. Declined invitations will result in automatic withdrawal.
Common reasons for rejection:
- Abstract poorly written
- Clear objective and/or hypothesis missing
- Linkage between different parts of the abstract not comprehensible
- Summary of essential results inadequate and/or missing
Abstract Withdrawal
ENDO 2020 will withdraw an abstract upon written request from the submitting author. Requests for withdrawal must be made by September 15, 2019. After this date, ENDO 2020 cannot guarantee that a withdrawn abstract will be excluded from publication. Requests to withdraw an abstract must contain the submitting author’s name and abstract title. To withdraw an abstract, please contact [email protected]
Publication of Accepted Abstracts
The submission of the abstracts constitutes the authors’ consent to publication. All abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in the journal Digestive Endoscopy (DEN) ENDO 2020 abstract supplement.
The ENDO 2020 Grants have been initiated to support young endoscopists and their growing community.
The World Endoscopy Organization (WEO), the Japanese Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society (JGES), the Asia Pacific Society of Digestive Endoscopy (A-PSDE) and Interamerican Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SIED) offer grants. The winners will be selected from authors of abstracts accepted by the ENDO 2020 reviewing committee. Please note that the personal data collected for grant winners will be shared with the above mentioned partnering societies.
How it works
Abstracts must be completed and submitted to ENDO 2020 following the regular abstract submission process. After the ENDO 2020 reviewing committee has selected accepted abstracts, the three abstracts with the highest scores will receive the WEO Grants. Expert committees of A-PSDE, JGES and SIED will select grantees among the accepted abstracts from corresponding regions.
Please read on to find out about each grant.
Terms & Conditions
General eligibility criteria
- You are required be author of an accepted ENDO 2020 abstract
- You are required to be available to travel to the conference held on March 7 – 10, 2020
World Endoscopy Organization (WEO) grants
- The successful 3 authors will receive the WEO Best Abstract Awards
- WEO grants travel support of USD 1,000 per successful candidate
- Selected candidates receive waived registration and accommodation
- Selected candidates have the unique opportunity to present their research during the first day of the ENDO 2020 symposium on March 7, 2020
Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society (JGES) grants
- The successful 5 authors will receive the JGES Best Abstract Awards and their achievements will be honored on JGES website
- JGES grants travel support of 100,000 yen for 5 successful candidates
- Selected candidates have to be under the age of 45 years
- Selected candidates are required to be JGES members
- The registration fee for 5 successful candidates will be waived by WEO
Asia Pacific Society of Digestive Endoscopy (A-PSDE) grants
- A-PSDE grants travel support of USD 1,000 for 1 doctor from one of the following countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Iran, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam
- The successful candidates have to be doctors under the age of 45 years
- The accepted abstracts of the successful candidates have to be reviewed and nominated by APSDE councillors
- The number of successful candidates will be a maximum of 13 doctors from 13 countries (1 doctor from each countries)
- The registration fee for 13 successful candidates will be waived by WEO
NEW! Interamerican Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SIED) grants
- The successful 3 authors will receive the 24th Pan American Congress Abstracts Award diploma.
- Best selected poster will receive the SIED´s Gustavo Vidales Award and the opportunity to present his/her research at theWEO-SIED Symposium
- SIED grants travel and accommodation support for the Gustavo Vidales Award´s author (USD 1,000).
- Selected candidates have to be under the age of 45 years and a citizenship of a country affiliated to SIED.
- Please note that all abstracts need to be submitted through the ENDO 2020 abstract submission system (in English). Accepted abstracts from Latin America will be reviewed by SIED councillors to nominate the 3 SIED awardees.
- The registration fee for the 3 selected candidates will be waived by WEO
Abstract submission deadline: October 1, 2019
Video Abstract submission deadline: November 1, 2019
Winners will be announced in December 2019.
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